Thursday, March 8, 2012

Today I Tilled

I am now the proud leaser of a one-and-a-half acre plot of Mossyrock soil. Today I spent the afternoon getting to know Jim, the land owner and getting to know his tractor as I dug into the field with a tiller...3 times over.

Thanks to my eldest brother Shannon, I have a digital camera on loan until I get enough donations to afford one of my own. Therefore, I am excited to share with you the outcome of this afternoon's work with you.

In similar news, my seed order finally arrived today! That means I can get started on sprouting them inside first thing in the morning. Next thing to do is order ground covering, and cloche-building material.

I tend to ramble. But thanks to closing time at The Pantry coffee shop, that's all you get today. Stay tuned because rainy days are on their way I'll have some time to get this blog underway.

I leave you with this...
This is what I saw around my property yesterday morning:

Ice "growing" out of the ground

My outdoor fire-wood pile.

My indoor fire-wood pile.

The bed of Wilma's pickup.

Bamboo "forest" and the beautiful, sorely missed Mr. Sun on his third appearance in the past 3 weeks.

The color of the sky is actually very note-worthy. Like I said, the Sun has been very shy and the depressingly cold and wet clouds HAD been prevailing up until the past couple days. Lately, life has been incredible...with much thanks to the sunny dry days.

There are many hidden treasures on Wilma's place...

Well, I'd say that about spoils you on pictures. They say pictures are worth a thousand words, and I say this post ought to make for a good 10,000 word essay right there. And all those pictures were what my yesterday morning looked like...I can't wait to see what tomorrow will look like!

Keep looking up, everyone. Life is good and God provides for all our needs.
"In all your ways be mindful of Him, and he will make straight your paths." (Proverbs 3:6)

Love to all,